December 1 is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving.
Your #GivingTuesday gift will offer help to those with FOP who need important dental care and cannot afford the transportation and lodging in Philadelphia.
$1,500 funds one travel stipend. Our goal is to fund 3 stipends through our #GivingTuesday campaign. Gifts of all sizes will help us meet this goal.
Join with us to provide 3 travel stipends so those with FOP can receive care from an FOP dental expert at Jefferson University Hospital – a total of $4,500.
#GivingTuesday may only last for 24 hours, but its impact lasts more than just one day. Thank you for your gift!
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You just helped fund a dental travel stipend making critical dental care by an FOP dental expert possible.
Thank you for your gift for all those with FOP!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
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